Thursday, March 22, 2007



Traffic data from Urchin and Feedburner is posted here, along with raw data if anyone's interested. A reminder that as numbers and data come in, we'll post them up. We will not have full purchase data for up to a month, depending on when Apple generates its reports. We should have third party verification of purchasing from IODA within a day or two.

Podcasting gets little respect from traditional media. To them we're little more than a joke, than amateurs. What they don't understand is that podcasting is more than just a delivery mechanism - it's a social movement. People are sick of the watered-down, cookie-cutter content that networks and record companies expect us to enjoy. People are tired of watching friends and loved ones get sued by record labels who only care about profits and nothing else, not even the artists they supposedly represent.

We want and deserve more. On March 22, 2007, we're going to change that with your help.

We can do better. We can match and exceed the reach of big media, corporate media, labels, and the entrenched interests. On March 22nd, we are going to take an indie podsafe music artist to number one on the iTunes singles charts as a demonstration of our reach to Main Street and our purchasing power to Wall Street. The track we've chosen is "Mine Again" by the band Black Lab. A band that was dropped from not just one, but two major record labels (Geffen and Sony/Epic) and in the process forced them to fight to get their own music back. We picked them because making them number one, even for just one day, will remind the RIAA record labels of what they turned their backs on - and who they ignore at their peril.

What's more, we're going to take it a step beyond that. We've signed up as an affiliate of the iTunes Music Store, and every commission made on the sale of "Mine Again" will be donated to college scholarships, partly because it's a worthy cause, but also partly because college students are among the most misunderstood and underestimated groups of people by big media. Black Lab has taken it up another notch - 50% of their earnings are going to be donated to the scholarship fund as well.

If you believe in the power of new media, on March 22nd, 2007, take 99 cents and 2 minutes of your time to join the revolution and make iTunes "Mine Again". If you're a content producer (blogger, podcaster, etc.), we're asking you to join up with us and help spread the word to your audience. Nothing would prove the power of new media more than showing corporate media that not only can we exceed their reach and match their purchasing power, but that we can also do it AND make a positive difference in the world. If we can succeed with this small example, then there's no telling what can do next.

How to help

Remind people about Bum Rush the Charts using email and MySpace bulletins & messages. Remind people that the link to buy Mine Again is:

and that using this link will net us 5% in affiliate fees from Apple on top of the 50% donation from the band.

Important: remind people that they can GIFT Mine Again using this link as well, so if they already own it, they can gift it to a friend, colleague, or associate who may not have heard of Black Lab before.

If college and graduate students are part of your audience, remind them that in order to be eligible for the scholarship, they need to set up a free profile at:

Also, it may sound silly, but it pays to remind people that they need to download and install iTunes, plus open an iTunes Music Store account with a valid credit card and/or PayPal account.

Make sure you've got a copy of the StumbleUpon toolbar for IE or Firefox, and that you have an account set up on StumbleUpon.

Once you've got StumbleUpon up and running, visit EVERY blog post (click on the titles of the posts on the main page) at Bum Rush the Charts and click the Thumbs Up button. Be sure to do this on the buy now URL as well.

On YouTube, make sure you watch and rate 5 stars the Bum Rush videos on there:

Obviously, buy Mine Again today. In addition to that, we need to give a major social networking blast to BRTC stuff today.

Send out one final round of MySpace bulletins. Ideally, delete any previous bulletins about BRTC and post a new one. If you have the time, delete and repost in the morning, afternoon, and evening, to ensure that the maximum number of friends see the bulletin (especially if you have a lot of friends).

Go to this Bum Rush URL:

and click Digg It. If you don't have a account, set one up.

== After Thursday ==

We'll keep you up to date on how BRTC goes - if it goes well enough, there's no telling what we can all do next. Thanks for being a part of it, and please share this with anyone else you know who is excited about BRTC and wants to know how they can help more, beyond just buying the track.


Christopher said...

Stick it on your calendar.

Google Calendar Reminder

Schwagcast said...

I'll be making music "Mine Again" on March 22!


Bryan Page a.k.a. Jesta said...

You should make this post "sticky" or somehow have it appear at the top of the main page. A few people I've sent to the website haven't worked out what we're trying to do here and this post pretty much explains it all.

Guy In A Tie said...

I would love to do this and pass it along to my students and parents..........if possible would you remove the swear words from your post, and then I would be happy to refer all my listeners, mostly young teenagers and parents to this website??

If not, I understand and I will make my purchase. podcast
Friendly Middle School Science Teacher playing Indie music and helping out his students with school and life.

Unknown said...

Hey guys,

It's about time someone stepped up to the post on this! It's what PodRadioK has been about from the beginning - dragging the music industry and the RIAA into the 21st century!

I'll be featuring the campaign on our podcasts within the next week and i've added the badge to our websites already at the top of the righthand column on all of them.

I'll post promos from our shows when we record this week.

If you need any more help on this one feel free to drop me a line!

TC Kirkham

LEM said...

Pardon my non-podcaster savvy, but shouldn't there be a link to the song, too? (Just in case someone who happened onto this site is wondering what all the focus is about.)

Tulsa Sheridan said...

LEM: Here it is...

Hieronymus Murphy said...

I'm in.

I've already blogged on my show notes page and sent bulletins in MySpace.

Also, I'll be talking about it on my show each week between now and 3/22, and I'll break format on the show just prior 3/22 to play Mine Again."

Here's an iTunes link to the album that includes "Mine Again."

@Murphy's Saloon Blues Podcast

Grayson: Atlanta, GA said...

I am there. But I should go hear the song first of course. Make sure it IS Spacey Gracey Review-worthy.

Fucking great viral idea here!

Grayson: Atlanta, GA said...

Ad's up over at the SGR.

Rob said...

Emailed some of the guys involved with this project this, but haven't heard back. Wanted to get some answers. Not trying to be a downer, but want this to work and hope it can work, but I saw some flaws:

Rob Usdin from the Jersey Jamcast here. I have a couple of things I
want to ask or comment on this whole Bum Rush the charts deal.

First off - how many tracks have to be sold to crack the iTunes top
100 - and is that number an all-time number or in a 24 hour period?
If a 24 hour period - when does that period start/end (Pacific time, Eastern Time, Greenwich Mean Time?) Someone
mentioned 50,000 as a number for the day but that sounded awfully high
to me.

Also - how is this going to work with the many international version
of iTunes - or is this just for the U.S. version? If so that leaves
our podcasting compatriots in other countries out of this thing - or
will they also be able to buy the track and then the final sales
figures from all will be compiled, and made known on this site? I know - these seem like small
details - but it all adds up in the grand scheme of showing
podcasting's impact with this thing.

Also - many people who are into podsafe music are music fans in
general - and some may buy other tracks while they are at the iTunes
store. If they buy a track from any mainstream act - it kind of
negates the effect buying the Black Lab track has - because they
contribute to the sale of a mainstream act already in the iTunes Top
100 (I'm talking about stuff that's up there or close to up there).
So I think a good thing to add is people should only buy that ONE
Black Lab track, and nothing else in that 24 hour period - so as to
maximize the impact.

I would love to see this work - and I hope it does. Don't mean to be a downer, but want to make sure this works right and shows the right impact!


eagleapex said...

I posted your plan in Gizmodo's comments. They want to boycott the RIAA in March. What a coincidence. Two great plans, no conflict or overlapping, and good music for all.
check the post out:

AJ said...

get me a promo I will play it on every show!
send it to baldguyshow [@]


Glenn said...


I'm assuming that keeps it at the

Unknown said...

So I just plastered the Saint Mary's College campus with BumRush flyers. Its a movement, and we are all behind you, tell all your friends and save that date.

okvalle said...

I would really love to help, honestly. I would buy the CD, if it helped. The problem is that I can't buy from iTunes from my country. I would need a Visa from USA, or some other country that iTunes has in their list.
Anyhow, I love what you are doing here. I heard about it on the DSC and Digital Flotsam podcasts.

ryan said...

HEll YA! Article up on and reminder article coming the day before.

Derek Jay said...

Hey everyone I've made a little BRTC chicklet if you want to stick it somewhere on your page. I'll make a couple more designs tomorrow.

Here's a link to the image:

Podsafe Revolution said...

Ole - you can help out even without an iTunes account .... simple: tell EVERYONE you know. Post to forums.. record a promo that others can play on their podcasts....

Derek-Jay - try posting that URL again, seems that it got cut off...

Great work guys. just over 2 weeks to go. Lets put this promo into overdrive

Podsafe Revolution said...

The link that Derek Jay was trying to post is:
BRTC Chicklet

okvalle said...

I have told my friends all about it :)

Unknown said...

I would do this, but I won't buy from the iTunes music store because it is DRM'd and crap quality. I'd do it if we could buy a single to get it into the UK singles chart.

Doug Haslam said...

To Bob's point-- Apple's proprietary DRM and the fact that I refuse to own an iPod make it difficult, but I fully support the effort and will buy the track anyway.

Maybe we can have a "Dump DRM/Screw iTunes" event after this is successful

As Chris Penn says, put in in your calendar people!

Podcast Junky said...

Hi everyone!

Glad to help out with my blog at

Good luck with this great project.

Stand back everyone and watch the power of podcasting on March 22nd!

Podcast Junky

Anonymous said...

We joined you. It's about time that people realize what is happening. Our network is about Blues music. However, what happened to Black Lab could (and does) happen to them also.


E'l Roy said...

MYN, I just caught your post-reply over on the Dawn&Drew msg board. Well put response to doubters, haters, and naysayers.

I've posted on my blog, and in a journal entry at Radio Paradise.

Ivan said...


Unknown said...

Wait, you have to buy it from iTunes? Won't most people who are interested in showing up the music industry balk at having to buy a drm-laden track? I know I will.

Unknown said...

great idea.

however, in your ass-over-teakettle enthusiasm to stick it to the man, you inadvertently highlighted why record labels, however misguided and outmoded, have relevance - their ability to promote artists, not themselves:

there is not a single link anywhere on your blog to Black Lab's website/myspace page/whatever. sure, the info is only a google away, but still...

Unknown said...

Being canadian, if I purchase on itunes canada will it give an effect ?

Expert said...

hmmm so we go from big record labels telling us what to buy to whoever runs this site telling us what to buy..hmm.

I like the message and the idea, but I think you fail in execution. Still I'm curious as to the results of this.

solomalee said...

Stumbled, Dugg, bought...

Two observations though. Alot of people have "big hate" for iTunes because of the DRM factor, was there no other non DRM'd visible chart you could hit?

Also, the power of Digg could be your downfall, I hit a "This story could be a duplicate message".

Mat Weller said...

I'm still trying to decide whether I think this is the greatest thing ever or one of the best marketing scams ever (you guys aren't from Nigeria are you?), but you got my $.99 and I'm pushing it on both and

If you want to come on the show in the next couple weeks and tell our audience how this went and what you have planned for the future, contact me:

Derek Jay said...

I Bum Rushed The Charts. Those who haven't yet.. here's How To..

Unknown said...

Here's another gripe about this idea, and perhaps it's a minor one:

I'm as big a fan of boobies as the next guy/gal, but why'd you choose a track where the album art prominently features a topless lady?

I saw a comment from a teacher who wanted to send this link out to his students; I can't imagine this would go over well with those kids' parents. Nor would it attract the casual supporter who wants to help the cause but would rather not have any nudie pix on their iTunes/iPod when the song plays.

The US is lot more prudish than some realize. Just one more obstacle you guys could've done without here...

Alvin said...

I paid the money. I'm all for the experiment, but the song kind of sucks. I haven't seen anyone else mention that they like it. Everyone has their own tastes but this is like a cheap ripoff of U2 but not quite as good. I don't really care that much for U2 either.

Yeah and Dan before me is right. I was going to gift the song to my daughter and some other friends but I'm certainly not going to send her that album art. Wouldn't it be kind of creepy getting that from your dad?

Grant said...

I didn't buy this song. Why? Either put 100% of the profit back into the movement (if 10 people buy the $1 song and the profit is $8.50, you can buy the song 8 times, then you have $6.80 + $0.50, so you can buy it 7 times, and so on and so forth until all profit is reinvested in itself).

OR.. donate ALL the money. Why should some random band I've never heard of retain the profit of a social movement?

If either of those approaches are used, I'll be happy to spend a buck. If not, fuck that.

ferrets said...

ok to start of course the band is gonna get some of the money they wrote the song so they deserve something and remember there getn less than 50% of the money. next the song is awesome just like all the other songs they hav. if u dont no the band actually has 3 cd's and if u like this song u should check them all out and even if u dont mayb u will find something u do like

Marshall Kirkpatrick said...

Here's a SplashCast channel that contains all the videos linked to in this blog post:

Ardith said...

I think itunes is up to something. "mine again" was # 67 on The US Rock Chart at 1:13pm et. I checked again 1.5 hours later and it's gone from the rock chart

Eugene said...

This is me Bum Rushing the Chart.

Unknown said...

So, you want me to install crap I don't want onto FireFox so I can buy a song I've never heard in a DRM format I hate so I boost a raking in a chart I don't care about.

And it only costs me a dollar!


Mark Nijmeijer said...

iTunes is up to something - I can't sign up for a new account for iTunes :(

Stephen Downes said...

All of the links are to your site. None of the links are to the song.

I'm smelling scam.

Anonymous said...

I've forwarded this to everyone I know plus blogged about it on my Blogger and on MySpace. Good luck with this effort!

Mark Nijmeijer said...

I've now been able to sign up using my AOL account. The signup for an itunes account was complaining about not being able to do a credit card check.

Good stuff guys!

E'l Roy said...

Wow, a bunch of negativity.
Don't hate. Just don't participate.
While the RIAA and DRM are certainly things to rail against, BRtC hasn't specifically been about those issues. BRtC has been about flexing new-media muscle and showing the status quo that it is a force to be reckoned with. Sure, having to dl iTunes and buy a DRM'd AAC track from Apple isn't exactly what I see as stickin' it to the Man, but that's a pocket the Man might pay attention to.

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combattery84 said...

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combattery84 said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Thinkpad r50 series battery
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SONY VGP-BPS5 battery
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Anonymous said...

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